(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 1 km) Voidokilia is definitely the most popular beach in Europe.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 250 meters) The area of Petrochori is considered as ...
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 1.5 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 4 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters and fine grey sand.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 7 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters and thick golden sand.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 11 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters and thin white sand.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 8 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters and thin grey sand.
(Distance from Villa Voidokoilia - 9 km) A beautiful beach with crystal clear blue waters and thick sand and rocks.
Since 1999 - Villa Voidokilia Petrochori, Messenia Τ.Κ. 24400 - Web Design QSA